November Holiday Programme 2024

November Hp 2024 (1)

Join us for our November Holiday Programme! Get a head start for Primary 6, prepare for Secondary 1 or sharpen your oral skills with our engaging and interactive classes!


Exclusive Discounts

Early bird discount: 5% (register by Sunday,  10 November 2024, 23:59)

Sign up for two or more programmes (same parent): additional 5% off overall course fees

P4 / P5 Creative Writing Class

P4/5 Creative Writing

Does your child find it hard to stretch in their writing? Our Creative Writing programme will help your child to anchor themselves in key writing skills.

Class Size: 12 pax

Secondary 1 Preparatory Class

P5 6 Oral Enrichment (2)

In this programme, students get to have a taste of the components tested in Secondary School and apply their learning through short writing exercises of the different components.

 What will be covered:

- Exposure to the different types of writing + Short writing exercises
- Comprehension Open-Ended
- Visual text (analysis)
- Summary

Class Size: 14 pax

Location: Parkway Centre

P6 Preparatory Class

P6 Prep

Please. Stop. Learning. Everything. Sometimes, it does feel like information overload when preparing for major exams. But a little prep during the holidays will go a long way in easing the tension in your child’s crucial year! 

What’s covered:
- Paper 2 components like Grammar, Synthesis and Comprehension Cloze & Open-Ended
- Paper 1 components: Situational Writing & Creative Writing

Class Size: 12 pax

P4, 5, 6 Oral Preparatory Classes

P4,5,6 Oral Prep


Prepare your child for the new PSLE Oral syllabus with our Oral Programme! Developed by one of our teachers, a former voice actor with experience in private projects, our programme enables students to refine their speaking abilities through reading and class discussions.

Our small class size ensures that our teachers can provide immediate, on-the-spot feedback. To maximise the benefits of the programme, we highly recommend that students actively participate in class activities and engage in discussions. This allows our teacher to accurately evaluate your child's progress.

Class Size: 8pax



P5/6 (Combined) Oral Enrichment

P5 6 Oral Enrichment

We put the FUN in FUNdamental communication skills classes!

Learning to communicate in a persuasive and succinct manner is a highly sought after skill in this day and age. Join us and learn how to speak and present well through various fun activities!

Note: This syllabus is not the same as that of our Oral Prep classes.

Class Size: 8 pax